Wednesday, November 25, 2009

All about my Bubba-Chubbs

I haven't really been paying attention to how big Brayden is. With the whirlwind of the past few months I kind of lose track of how old he is, how much he weighs and what size he wears. I didn't realize how bad it was until the other day... You know how pack-n-plays have the higher level for when the babies are really little? Well mine started to bow in the middle. I was so confused and frustrated because its a brand new pack-n-play! Brookie slept on the high level til she was 7 months (she was very petite) so I thought Brayden would be the same. I kept calling Aaron over to it to make sure I put it together right. I was very stressed that once again I had bought one that needed to be sent back because of defects. I called the company to see what could be done. As I was talking to the lady she very nicely asked me how much my child weighed. I contemplated that question and responded, "12 pounds... I think." Her response.."Honey, Did you know the weight limit is 15 pounds? Since your child is so close to the weight limit that could be the reason for the mattress sinking in the middle." Of course I was defensive in my head because I would never be that careless. Psh I think I know how much my child weighs. So as you can imagine I was SHOCKED when I went to the doctors a couple days later and my little boy weighs 16 going on 17 pounds!! Wow I was way off  :) Thankfully my crib was under warranty so she sent me a new mattress and sheepishly I lowered the mattress to the lowest level.
He just turned 5 months so I thought I better hurry and take some pictures of him before he turns 6 months. I remember with Brooke I would have a photoshoot every month. Now Brayden is lucky to have even one photo. Aaron helped me take these and I think we got some pretty good ones.

His newest trick is rolling over tummy to back and then back to tummy. He loves to push himself up and look up at everyone and whats going on! He has been able to hold his head high since he was born. Mom has a picture of when he was hours old holding up that big ol' head.

This smile just melts my heart!!!!! He definitely has his Daddy's dimples which makes me thrilled!!! I always said I just wanted a mini Aaron and my dream came true!

I love how he is looking at Aaron.. Big adoring eyes. I have a feeling these two are going to be inseperable.
Bubba also started jabbering and making sounds! His first sound is "Ma" so hopefully soon he turns it into Momma! Brooke's first word was "Da-Da" so I am counting on Brayden's to be Momma! His first two teeth are trying to pop on through! He was out of sorts for two days but is now back to his old smily, happy self! He is the most content sweet baby! I love him to pieces and never want him to grow up.


Lindsey,Alyssa and Carly said...

What a cutie!! Nice pics, Jana! My baby brother, (Brent) is my lil'Bubba, sometimes it was, baby-Bubba or kiss-ee-fir when we were teasing him. ;) But I still call him those names.. Anyways! Love the pics... Happy Thanksgiving, I've got to get back to making my Bacon-wrapped appricots with cranberry glaze appetizers.

Mindy said...

I love the Chubby Baby Bubba! Can hardly wait to hold him next month. Maybe I should start lifting weights, so my arms are strong enough to lift him. I'm thankful he's happy, but even more thankful his mommy is so happy. Love you, honey!

Jenny said...

Wow, he is getting big. Ivan weighed 20 lbs when he was 1 year and Ursula weighed 17 lbs. Small compared to Bubba.
Bubba is SO cute.

angelakay said...

oh my gosh that picture of brayden and aaron is aaaaabsolutely adorable!! you guys take such amazing photographs!

i can't wait to meet this little guy in a few months!