Wednesday, December 16, 2009

How to make a Brookelyn salad

Layer spinach neatly in a clean glass dish.
Sprinkle generously with cheese.

Pat down firmly.

Gently lay fresh raspberries atop the bed of cheese and spinach.

Sneak a few raspberries..

and Voila! you have yourself a salad

Of course she made a huge mess, BUT she ate spinach!! I left it on the table for her because she was so proud of it and kept coming back to snack on it. By the end of the day almost all the spinach was gone!

1 comment:

Mindy said...

What a great recipe. Gramma can hardly wait to try it. I love the idea of leaving it out to snack on all during the day. My favorite pic is her chubby little hand "patting" the salad down.