Thursday, October 21, 2010

Wings Brookelyn style and coffee Mommy style

Ahhh... Naptime. My favorite time of day. 
Brayden has been really cranky due to eye teeth coming in and Brooke always has an attitude.
They must lay in bed at night, conspire a plan to wake up as early as possible to make Mommy as cranky as possible.
I am NOT NOT NOT a morning person.  
Naptime is when I am finally alert, awake, full of coffee and ready to take on the day.
So in my alertness I am going to blog :)

Brooke loves to help cook. It has been hard for me to learn to let a 3 year old help.
I am a control freak and somewhat a perfectionist so trying to allow her freedom to make a mess is very difficult for me.
But I am trying.
She eats everything if I let her help.
I'm talking everything.
Picky eater? 
Get them involved with making their food. 
I was making wings for Sunday football and Brooke wanted to help.
She licked the spoon after every stir. 
(Didn't tell my company that small detail)
Then she decided to let Bella lick her fingers after every stir.
I made her stop after that because no one wants dog spit on their wings.

Despite every wing either being touched or chomped on they turned out 
pretty finger lickin' good!

On a sadder note... 
My espresso machine broke AGAIN.
3rd one in less then a year.
And I thought by buying the more expensive one I would be fine.
Maybe I make too much coffee to keep up with those machines...
I was so frustrated because when I called the company they said I needed to pay $15 (again) so they could ship me a new one.
I thought about it and added it up.
I bought the machine for $99.
That one broke so add 15 to get another one.
That one broke so add another 15.
If I kept going at this pace my $99 dollar machine could turn into a couple hundred dollar machine! 

I decided I needed a different approach to making my fresh roasted coffee.
I brainstormed.
And then it hit me.
How do the Italians make their own personal coffee??
With this GENIUS little moka pot.
It was around $30 at Bed Bath and Beyond.
No machine parts. No electric cord. Plain, Simple and has the potential to have a very long life!

 Wondering how it works?
You put water in the bottom part.
(If you enjoy having a thick crema you can add a little sugar into the water.)
Then there is this little funnel filter that you put the grounds in and it fits into the bottom part.
You screw the top and bottom together and put it on your stove.
After a few minutes the water starts boiling and passing thru the coffee
so it looks like this in the top part.
Perfectly made espresso ready to do with as you please.

I add a little milk so its more latte but you could drink it straight, add water to make an americano or froth your own milk for cappuccino. 
I HIGHLY recommend getting one of these if you enjoy espresso.
There are no parts that could break (unless you drop it)
and its really easy to wash and take apart.
The coffee doesn't come out tasting like plastic or dirty pipes like when you use an espresso machine.

Coffee/playdate anyone??


beccarankin said...

I don't even like coffee and that looks good. :-)
Brooke was so adorable. Gabi is exactly the same way. And it is so hard to let go and let them help.

Thanks for what you wrote on my wicked witch of the west post. I loved the verses you shared! And, it's nice to hear it is frustrating for other moms in the cooking department and little ones, too.

Enjoy your expresso! Dustin would be drooling if he saw it.

Mindy said...

Yea, keep the coffee ready, can hardly wait to drink coffee every day with you next week!

~ Tandis ~ said...

Somehow I missed some of your blogs. I thought I had added you to my list of people I was following so that blogs would show up? Hmm. Gotta check on that.

Mmmmmmmmm!!!!! That's how my brother makes coffee sometimes. My Mom uses a french press and that also has no chords or breakable parts unless dropped. It all looks and smells so yummy. Mr. Keurig is starting to cost me lotsa money too, I should probably invest in this little guy instead?!!

I TOTALLY understand about kids helping in the kitchen. There's this lady, MommaMindy ;) who is teaching me through her blog about being patient with the little people because they are only little for a little while and then you'll always want them back when they are big. Sigh. So...we make BIG kitchen messes and I am driven to of course :) :) but am working on letting them help more.