Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas cards!

Ok, so today my cards are coming in the mail from Shutterfly and my goal is to get them addressed and mailed out either today by 5 or tomorrow.
I need your addresses! 
Oh and to clarify, your home address not your email address.
Last time I got some email addresses :)
I have 50 cards to send out and I really don't think I have that many friends, so if you want one let me know! 
You can email me at janabunana@msn.com

Have a good week getting ready for Saturday!
I don't know about your kids but Brookelyn is so excited she can't even contain herself.
We promised we would bring our big king size mattress into the living room on Christmas Eve and have a sleep over so we can wake up and see the presents.
Every morning she tells us about the sleepover and the presents that Santa is bringing her.
(No, she doesn't really believe in Santa but she decided she likes pretending)

It has been pouring rain here for the past couple days.
I am going kind of crazy being trapped in the house.  I have truly decided I only like the rain looking out from a window.
Taking the kids outside in it is a nightmare!
Aaron is going to do the Christmas shopping for the kids :) 
It will be fun to see how a Daddy brain works and what he gets them.
I want the kids to make something for him but haven't come up with anything creative.
Any ideas?

1 comment:

beccarankin said...

I am so excited he is going into that! (even though I won't see him.)

Tell him he is going into a field that people will greatly appreciate him for!